
Memorial Day BBQ

Additional Information

This Memorial Day we will be gathering together with friends and family to remember, fellowship, celebrate and BBQ some meat! And we would love for you, your friends and family to come join us!! 

Bring your favorite meat to BBQ and a side dish, or desert, to share with everyone. BBQs, drinks, ice, cups, plates, napkins and utensils will all be provided. So the only other thing you need to bring is you and your guests. It all starts at 2:00 PM and we will begin eating at 3:00 PM. Come as you are, come when you can, hang out and eat, or just hang out and meet! Share some memories and photos of your veterans and those close to you who have sacrificed for the freedoms that we all enjoy.

Hope to see you see you here. RSVP's will help us plan, but come either way, we'll be glad to make room. RSVP to (951) 675-0969.

For Directions

Tom & Lee Ann Thomazin's Home

20812 Hillsdale Road

Riverside, CA 92508